
There is still time make your views known on the proposed AWL kiosks: Deadline is 7 October 2021

Please remember that the advertisement placed in the Royston Crow by Affinity Water Limited on 9th September 2021 advised the public that the application form and papers can be inspected up to 7 October and that any representations should be sent to commonlandcasework@planninginspectorate.gov.uk on or before that date (7 October).

So if you have a view about the  s38 application – which is seeking permission to install two kiosks –  then you still have time to make your views known.

You can email in your views right up to and including 7 October commonlandcasework@planninginspectorate.gov.uk

You can write to The Planning Inspectorate, Commons Team, 3A Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN making sure you allow time for your letter to arrive by 7 October.

Your views will be shared with Affinity Water Limited and possibly the other interested parties in accordance with the Planning Inspector’s policy.

The advertisement placed in the Royston Crow has been reproduced here in case you need to remind yourself of any of the details.