We are looking into the possibility of updating the byelaws – the latest information on where we are in the process is here

Therfield Heath and Greens




(Therfield Regulation Trust)

1.In these byelaws:

“the Act”means the Commons Regulation (Therfield) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1888;

“the Conservators” means the body appointed in pursuance of the Act for the management of the Heath and Greens; and

“the Heath and Greens” means:

a) Therfield Heath near Royston; and

b) the Greens in the Parish of Therfield (including the Recreation Ground)

both described in the Act and further delineated in the map annexed to the Award made under the Act and deposited with the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Hertfordshire and the Clerk to the Conservators.


a) An act necessary to the proper execution of his duty on the Heath and Greens by an officer of the Conservators, or any act which is necessary to the proper execution of any contract with the Conservators, shall not be an offence under these byelaws.

b) Nothing in or done under any of the provisions of these byelaws shall in any respect prejudice or injuriously affect any public right of way through the Heath or Greens or the rights of any person acting legally by virtue of some estate, right, or interest in, over, or affecting the Heath and Greens or any part thereof.

3. No person shall on the Heath or Greens:

a) intentionally obstruct any officer of the Conservators in the proper execution of his duties;

b) intentionally obstruct any person carrying out an act which is necessary to the proper execution of any contract with the Conservators; or

c) Intentionally obstruct any other person in the proper use of the Heath or Greens, or behave so as to give reasonable grounds for annoyance to other persons on or near the Heath or Greens.

4. No person shall turn out or permit any animal to graze upon the Heath or Greens except in accordance with:

a) the directions of the Conservators; and

b) the conditions fixed by the Award made under the Act.

5. No person shall, except in the exercise of any lawful right or privilege, ride a horse on the Heath or Greens.

6. No person shall erect upon the Heath or Greens any post, rail, fence, pole, tent, booth, stand, building or other structure.

Provided that this prohibition shall not apply where upon an application to the Conservators they grant permission to erect any post, rail, fence, pole, tent, booth, stand, building or other structure, upon such occasion and for such purpose as are specified in the application.


a) No person shall except in the exercise of any lawful right or privilege bring or cause to be brought onto the Heath or Greens any barrow, truck, machine, or vehicle other than:

i) a wheeled bicycle or other similar machine;

ii)  a wheel-chair or perambulator drawn or propelled by hand and used solely for the conveyance of a child or children or an invalid.

Provided that where the Conservators set apart a space on the Heath or Greens for the use of any class of vehicle this byelaw shall not be deemed to prohibit the driving in or to that space by a direct route of any vehicle of the class for which it is set apart.

b) No person shall except in the exercise of any lawful right or privilege ride any bicycle or other similar machine in any part of the Heath or Greens.

c) No person shall leave or cause or suffer to be left any vehicle on the Heath or Greens between the hours of 12 midnight and 6.00am.

8. No person shall except in the exercise of any lawful right or privilege, remove or displace any soil or plant.

9. No person shall except in the exercise of any lawful right or privilege, kill, molest, or intentionally disturb any animal on the Heath or Greens or engage in hunting, shooting, or the setting of traps or nets or the laying of snares.

10. No person shall light a fire on the land, or place or throw or let fall a lighted match or any other thing so as to be likely to cause, a fire.

Provided that this shall not apply to any event held in pursuance of an agreement with the Conservators.

11. No person shall on the Heath or Greens, by operating or causing or suffering to be operated any wireless, gramophone, amplifier, tape recorder or similar instrument, make or cause or suffer to be made any sound or noise which is so loud and so continuous or repeated as to give reasonable cause for annoyance to other persons.

12. No person shall on the Heath or Greens take off, fly or land any glider – manned or unmanned – weighing in total more than 4 kilogrammes or (except in the case or accident or other sufficient cause) any other aircraft – manned or unmanned – weighing in total more than 4 kilogrammes.


a) No person shall on the Heath or Greens release any power-driven model aircraft for flight or control the flight of such an aircraft.

b) No person shall cause any power-driven model aircraft to take off or land on the Heath or Greens.

c) In this byelaw:

“model aircraft” means an aircraft which either weighs not more than 5 kilogramnes without its fuel or is for the time being exempted (as a model aircraft) for the provisions of the Air Navigation Order; and

“power driven” means driven by the combustion of petrol vapour or other combustible vapour or other combustible substances.

14. No person shall on the Heath or Greens use any device designed or adapted for detecting or locating any metal or mineral in the ground,

15. No person shall on the Heath or Greens sell, or offer or expose for sale, or let to hire, or offer or expose for letting to hire, any commodity or article, unless, in pursuance of an agreement with the Conservators or otherwise in the exercise of any lawful right or privilege, he is authorised to sell or let to hire on the Heath or Greens such commodity or article,

16. Every person who shall offend against any of these byelaws shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 2 on the standard scale.

17. The series of byelaws made by the Conservators on 19 October 1964 and confirmed by the Secretary of State on I December 1964 is hereby revoked.

Given under our hands and seals this twenty-seventh day of July 1989



Conservators of Therfield Heath & Greens

The foregoing byelaws are hereby confirmed by the Secretary of State and shall come into operation on the eighth day of January 1989

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State

C L SCOBLE              An Assistant Under-Secretary of State

12th December 1989 Home Office London SW1