
Public Meeting now 18 March 2021 by Zoom

Dear Residents

On Thursday 18 March 2021 at 19:00 the Conservators of Therfield Heath and Greens will be hosting a public meeting by Zoom.  If you are interested in attending then please do register for the meeting.  When we receive your registration (see below) we will send you the Zoom meeting login details.

Meeting agenda

Covid-19 has prevented the holding of the February 2021 SDDR election and AGM and so the agenda of the public meeting has been formulated with this in mind and will be as below:-

1.         Welcome

2.         Introductions

3.         Update from the Conservators

  • Priorities
  • Maintenance Heath and Greens
  • Financial situation – 2019 Accounts

4.         Specific points raised for discussion (see below on how to contribute)

5.         Next steps

How to register for this Zoom meeting and contribute a question

Please use this link to register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.   You need only to supply your name and email address to register.  There is also the opportunity to send us a short question.  If you think of a question later then you can email it to the clerk (clerk@therfieldheath.org.uk )  and we will try to include it.  Regrettably, there may not be time to answer all questions during the meeting.  

If you haven’t used Zoom before, you don’t need an account to join this meeting;  you can access Zoom via the link  provided either through your web browser or by downloading the app when prompted. You can do this in advance of the meeting or just before we start at 19.00.

We look forward to engaging with you and to receiving your questions and comments. Conservators will be seeking to arrange a further public meeting in the summer and this will be advertised on Facebook and via our website.

The Conservators of Therfield Heath and Greens