
Open Meeting 24th February 2022 7:30pm

We are pleased to announce that by 5pm Friday 11 February there were two nominations made for the two available Conservator roles.   Therefore a formal vote – as previously advertised – is not needed as we have only one person standing for each role. 

The Conservators therefore  invite everyone to come to Royston Town Hall on Thursday 24th February 2022   for an open meeting which will commence at 7:30pm.

The open meeting  at 7:30pm will cover

  • the conservation work that has taken place during 2021 ;
  • our plans for 2022
  • a sharing of the 2021 accounts.

Before the open meeting starts at 7:30pm  Mr Clive Hall will be formally re-elected for a 3 year term as Conservator for the SDDR and Mr Robert Law will be formally re-elected for a 3 year term as Conservator for the stint holders.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 24th February 2022 7:30pm for this open meeting.