We will list below up to date information and news about conservation projects, studies or other works occurring on or around the Heath or the eight greens.
Habitat Management Plan Agreed
A management plan has been agreed between Natural England and the Conservators of Therfield Heath and Greens to restore and maintain the Site of Special Scientific Interest on Therfield Heath. A huge thanks to previous Head of Conservation, Cheryll Wilson, for writing and negotiating this plan. You can read the full Habitat Management Plan here:
8th October :
Conservation grazing returning to the Heath!
We are really fortunate that our local Grazier has agreed to bring his sheep to the Heath. Grazing with livestock is the best way to protect the wildflowers and grasses which we have in the special areas on the Heath. For grazing this area will start at Church Hill potentially moving onto Penn Hill.
There will be electric fences around small compartments with access through them to the public (using gates)
We ask that you keep your dog on a lead within the compartments so as not to “worry” the ewes which can lose their unborn lambs if subject to dog scares.
We also kindly ask the users of the Heath to keep an extra special eye out on our behalf ; if you feel something may be wrong, please get in contact right away so we can ensure the safety of humans and sheep alike.
If you wish to discuss this further, please email Cheryll – Head of Conservation and Development Conservation@therfieldheath.org.uk or 07435 489088 or in case of an Emergency 07976390706
Sorry for any inconvenience caused. We really appreciate your cooperation with such an important habitat management technique.