Our sincere thanks to everyone who sent in a representation to the Planning Inspectorate regarding Affinity Water’s proposal for two additional kiosks.
Over 30 representations were received, this included some from the bodies who Affinity Water had to consult but there were many more from you – the local people who use and love the Heath. Thank you for taking the time to put your views forward.
The next steps, for all of you who emailed and wrote in, will be as follows:
- Affinity Water have been sent all of your comments and suggestions.
- Affinity Water have been offered the opportunity to reply by 2 November 2021. This reply is sent back to the Planning Inspectorate who will forward it to everyone who made a representation.
- You will then be asked if you wish to comment further. A lot will depend on how Affinity Water reply and if they accommodate your comments and suggestions.
We hope that this is useful information on what happens next, and once more we wish to say thank you for taking the time to tell the Planning Inspectorate how much your Heath means to you.
The Conservators will continue to have an open door to Affinity Water should they want our help, experience and knowledge of the Heath and its management. This will be invaluable to Affinity Water should they now wish to consider in greater detail some of the other options which we think are better for the Heath.
You can find a copy of the letter which we sent to the Planning Inspectorate regarding Affinity Water’s proposal here – (click to open this link).