
FAQ : Conservator Elections

Interested in finding out more about the Conservator elections or what a Conservator does? How much time commitment will this role take up? Do you need an special skills?

We have lots of information on our website but we have gathered some of the key questions which you may have and made this FAQ to explain more.

Please have a look at the FAQ below.

If you would like to stand the nomination form can be downloaded from the website or a copy can be emailed to you. Just contact our clerk on clerk@therfieldheath.org.uk.

Click here for the Conservator FAQ


2021 Royston Residents’ election / the Special Drainage District election

The plan is to run the Royston Residents’ election / the Special Drainage District election in two parts.

The first part will be an online meeting on Thursday 25 November 2021 followed by voting on Thursday 2 December 2021.

Interested candidates can find out more by reading this page on our website where the nomination form is also supplied (click here to go to page) . If you are interested in standing do please make contact with Carol Fossick – clerk – by email on clerk@therfieldheath.org.uk.


Elections : Watch this space

In February 2021 (because of the lockdown/pandemic) we were able only to run the Stint Holder election. We are now putting in place a plan for the Special Drainage District Conservator Election.

Some general information on elections can be found here

The Election Process for Conservators of Therfield Heath and Greens – The Conservators of Therfield Heath and Greens

We will up date this page with the Special Drainage District Conservator Election details shortly.


Sustainability Event 23/24 October : Find out more

The Heath and sustainability – come and find out more!

Do you have questions about the Heath’s unique conservation and ecology?

Interested in finding out why the Heath is important to sustainability and sustainable living in general?

Do you want to know more about our longer term plans?

Perhaps you want to find out how to stay in touch and get involved?

The Conservators and The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens will be on the Heath on Saturday 23rd October and Sunday 24th October from 11am to 2pm as part of the Royston Environment Group’s “Sustainability Event”.

Cheryll Wilson – Therfield Heath’s Head of Conservation – will also be there on Saturday if you have any specific questions about the conservation, ecology management of the site, or if you just want to meet her!

Please do drop by to say hello.


Thank you!

Our sincere thanks to everyone who sent in a representation to the Planning Inspectorate regarding Affinity Water’s proposal for two additional kiosks. 

Over 30 representations were received, this included some from the bodies who Affinity Water had to consult but there were many more from you – the local people who use and love the Heath.  Thank you for taking the time to put your views forward.

The next steps, for all of you who emailed and wrote in, will be as follows:

  • Affinity Water have been sent all of your comments and suggestions.
  • Affinity Water have been offered the opportunity to reply by 2 November 2021. This reply is sent back to the Planning Inspectorate who will forward it to everyone who made a representation.
  • You will then be asked if you wish to comment further. A lot will depend on how Affinity Water reply and if they accommodate your comments and suggestions.

We hope that this is useful information on what happens next, and once more we wish to say thank you for taking the time to tell the Planning Inspectorate how much your Heath means to you.

The Conservators will continue to have an open door to Affinity Water should they want our help, experience and knowledge of the Heath and its management. This will be invaluable to Affinity Water should they now wish to consider in greater detail some of the other options which we think are better for the Heath.

You can find a copy of the letter which we sent to the Planning Inspectorate regarding Affinity Water’s proposal here – (click to open this link).


Conservation grazing returning to the Heath!

We are really fortunate that our local Grazier has agreed to bring his sheep to the Heath. Grazing with livestock is the best way to protect the wildflowers and grasses which we have in the special areas on the Heath. For grazing this area will start at Church Hill potentially moving onto Penn Hill

There will be electric fences around small compartments with access through them to the public (using gates) .

We ask that you keep your dog on a lead within the compartments so as not to “worry” the ewes which can lose their unborn lambs if subject to dog scares.

We also kindly ask the users of the Heath to keep an extra special eye out on our behalf ; if you feel something may be wrong, please get in contact right away so we can ensure the safety of humans and sheep alike.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused. We really appreciate your cooperation with such an important habitat management technique.  

If you wish to discuss this further, please email Cheryll – Head of Conservation and Development Conservation@therfieldheath.org.uk or 07435 489088 or in case of an Emergency 07976390706 


There is still time make your views known on the proposed AWL kiosks: Deadline is 7 October 2021

Please remember that the advertisement placed in the Royston Crow by Affinity Water Limited on 9th September 2021 advised the public that the application form and papers can be inspected up to 7 October and that any representations should be sent to commonlandcasework@planninginspectorate.gov.uk on or before that date (7 October).

So if you have a view about the  s38 application – which is seeking permission to install two kiosks –  then you still have time to make your views known.

You can email in your views right up to and including 7 October commonlandcasework@planninginspectorate.gov.uk

You can write to The Planning Inspectorate, Commons Team, 3A Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN making sure you allow time for your letter to arrive by 7 October.

Your views will be shared with Affinity Water Limited and possibly the other interested parties in accordance with the Planning Inspector’s policy.

The advertisement placed in the Royston Crow has been reproduced here in case you need to remind yourself of any of the details.