
Open Meeting 3rd Dec 2019 summary

The meeting was attended by approximately 60 members of the public who heard presentations from the Conservators as well as Robert Law (who grazes the Heath) and the Friends of Therfield Heath.

Topics covered included fundraising, the accounts, grazing, the visitor survey and working with Natural England as well as permits and the new logo.

Questions were taken following each topic.

It was announced that from Janurary 2020, all those walking dogs on Therfield Heath for commercial gain will be expected to have bought a permit and all those running any form of outdoor fitness classes on site will need to do the same. The idea was positively received by the meeting. Visit the relevant pages for more information about the Commercial Dog Walking permits and Outdoor Fitness permits.

Original design by Charlotte Lan with final logo design worked up by Nicky Paton

The new logo for the Conservators was also unveiled. A competition was held at King James Academy and the winner (Charlotte Lan) came to the meeting to be congratulated and to see how her design had been worked into a logo by a local artist.

The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting in February, where elections also take place for one stintholder representative and one representative for the Special Drainage District of Royston. The date will be announced in the new year.


Outdoor Fitness Class Permit

From January 2020, we will require all those using Therfield Heath to run outdoor fitness classes to purchase a permit from us.

In line with many other open spaces, we have decided that to help look after the site and regulate its use, we need to introduce a permit system. There are many reasons why we have felt it necessary to introduce a permit, not least, pressure from members of the public and others who pay to use the site. It will also enable us to check that relevant qualifications and liability insurance is held by those operating these classes.

Please use this form to apply for a permit.


Commercial Dog Walker Permit

From January 2020, we will require all those using Therfield Heath to walk dogs for commercial gain to purchase a permit from us.

There are many reasons why we have felt it necessary to introduce a permit, not least, pressure from other members of the public.

Therfield Heath is not funded by any local authority and it costs thousands of pounds a year just to empty the dog poo bins. In line with many other nature reserves and local authority open spaces, we have decided that to help look after the site, we need to introduce a permit system.

Please use this form to apply for a permit.